Upakovannye (2013): 1:20:15 - 1:22:10 Russian movie features a very blissful Hare Krishna chanting party including a newly recruited member who is an integral part of the plot. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3274682/ Russian subtitles are needed. Please help. Man: Did you close the door? Lady: Yes. Man: Did you pay for the internet? Lady: Paid. Tonight we're going to a birthday. Man: I remember. Are you sure you closed the door? Петр Гладилин — автор сценария и режиссёр фильма «Упакованные», который скоро смогут по достоинству оцени. (https://youtu.be/OL2xCwutkHY) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3274682/