The Starter Wife - S01E07 - The French Disconnection (2008): 39:29 - 39:43 Molly Kagan (Debra Messing) and Kenny Kagan (David Alan Basche) dance to Rock and Roll Hall of Famer and Hare Krishna devotee, Chrissie Hynde's (Krishna Mayi Devi Dasi's), song, "Boots of Chinese Plastic" until they're exhausted. The only words to the song that are in the clip are: ♪ Hare Krishna, Hare Rama too… ♪ The Starter Wife (TV Series Title),S01E07 (TV Episode Number),The French Disconnection (TV Episode Title),2008 (TV Episode Release Year),Comedy (TV Genre),Drama (TV Genre),yt:cc=on