The 1980's: The Deadliest Decade - S02E10 - The Krishna Killers (2017): Part 5 of 6 On a street in Los Angeles, a devotee named Sulocana Das (Steve Bryant) is murdered in his van. Chakradhari Das (Charles Saint Denis), Tom Westfall, Gaura Rader, Jane Wallace (TV Actor),Nori Muster, Jacob Young, Keith Ham (Kirtanananda Swami Bhaktipada), Hrishikesh Das (Henry Doktorski), and Randall Gorby are also in the clip. (Narrated by Patrick Gallagher.) The 1980's: The Deadliest Decade (TV Series),S02E10 (TV Episode number),The Krishna Killers (TV Episode Title),2017 (TV Episode Release Year), Charles Saint Denis (TV Actor),Steve Bryant (TV Actor),Gaura Rader (TV Actor),Tom Westfall (TV Actor),Patrick Gallagher (TV Actor),Nori Muster (TV Actor),Henry Doktorski (TV Actor),Jacob Young (TV Actor),Keith Ham,Randall Gorby,Crime (TV Genre)