Struggle for Life - S02E04 - Sædavgang (2015): 5:19 - 6:26 In Norway, Hare Krishna devotee Ulrik (Jonathan Espolin-Johnson) is encouraging Jens Christian Skolmen (Peder Gehrken Bøyum) to read Bhagavad Gita As It Is, the main scripture of the Hare Krishna Movement, to play finger cymbals and to sing the Hare Krishna Mantra while 3 uncredited Hare Krishna devotees are cooking in Jens Christian's kitchen. Jens Christian's father, Jørgen Skolmen (Øystein Røger), is also in the clip. Struggle for Life (TV Series),Kampen for tilværelsen (TV Series),S02E03 (TV Episode Number),Familnie (TV Episode Title),2015 (TV Episode Release Year),Jonathan Espolin-Johnson (TV Actor),Peder Gehrken Bøyum (TV Actor),Øystein Røger (TV Actor),Drama (TV Genre),yt:cc=on This clip was discovered by doing the following search: