Every 43 Seconds (2003): 31:35 - 33:35 This clip features Prabhupada's Palace of Gold, built by Hare Krishna devotees at their New Vrindaban farm community in West Virginia, USA. Ex-Hare Krishna devotee Jonathan Storm (Shawn Detamore) is greeted at the door by Hare Krishna devotee Jalu (Jaladar Bidye). Jonathan is accompanied by his girlfriend, Alex (Melissa Busby), by his brother, Eric Storm (Tulsy Ball), and by Eric's girlfriend, Lisa (Shea Curry). Then the 2 couples may then be seen bowing down and praying to Lord Nrsimhadeva for protection for what is anticipated to be a challenging day tomorrow. Shawn Detamore (Film Actor),Jaladar Bidye (Film Actor),Melissa Busby (Film Actor),Tulsy Ball (Film Actor),Shea Curry (Film Actor),Action (Film Genre),Crime (Film Genre),Drama (Film Genre),yt:cc=on