Deadly Devotion - S01E05 - Temple of Doom (2013) - Part 4 of 5 Part 1 ( ) is being blocked by Youtube. Between the Hare Krishna's New Vrindaban community in West Virginia, USA, and the Los Angeles, California, Hare Krishna devotee community, Sulochan Das (Steve Bryant - Christopher Spurrier) and Hare Krishna leader, Kirtanananda Swami Bhaktipada (Keith Ham), wage war. Anuttama Das, Sulochan's wife (Jane Seward - Yamuna Devi Dasi - Meagan Lee Farrell), Guru K (Paul C. Kelly), Nori Muster, Patrick (Tim Lee - Puranjana Das), Tom Westfall, and Sulochan's mother (Helga Bryant - Jean Llara) are also in the clip. (Narrated by Rick Pasqualone.) Deadly Devotion (TV Series),S01E05 (TV Episode number),Temple of Doom (TV Episode Title),2013 (TV Episode Release Year),Sulochan Das,Steve Bryant,Christopher Spurrier,Kirtanananda Swami Bhaktipada,Keith Ham,Anuttama Das,Paul C. Kelly,Nori Muster,Helga Bryant,Steven Gelberg,Tom Westfall,Jane Seward,Meagan Lee Farrell,Tim Lee,Puranjana Das,Jean Llara,Documentary (TV Genre),Crime (TV Genre)