Amazing Stories - S01E10 - Remote Control Man (1985): 5:07 - 6:32 In a Steven Spielberg TV series, the son of henpecked husband, Walter Poindexter (Sydney Lassick), has become a Hare Krishna devotee who's Krishna name is Maheshwara (David Stone). Walter's wife, Grendel (Nancy Parsons), and his younger son, Ralph (Jeff Cohen), are also in the clip. Amazing Stories (TV Series Title),S01E10 (TV Episode Number),Remote Control Man (TV Episode Title),1985 (TV Episode Release Year),Steven Spielberg (TV Writer/Producer),Sydney Lassick (TV Actor),David Stone (TV Actor),Nancy Parsons (TV Actor),Jeff Cohen (TV Actor),Animation (TV Genre),Adventure (TV Genre),Comedy (TV Genre),yt:cc=on