Amazing Stories - S01E10 - Remote Control Man (1985): 13:41 - 14:09 In a Steven Spielberg TV series, henpecked husband, Walter Poindexter (Sydney Lassick), has used his magic remote control to turn his nagging wife into a beauty pageant contestant (Shawn Weatherly). Then he uses the remote control to change his disrespectful son turned Hare Krishna devotee, Maheshwara (David Stone), into a well-dressed, pushy man (Jim Lange). Amazing Stories (TV Series Title),S01E10 (TV Episode Number),Remote Control Man (TV Episode Title),1985 (TV Episode Release Year),Steven Spielberg (TV Writer/Producer),Sydney Lassick (TV Actor),David Stone (TV Actor),Shawn Weatherly (TV Actor),Jim Lange (TV Actor),Animation (TV Genre),Adventure (TV Genre),Comedy (TV Genre),yt:cc=on