A Tale of Five Temples: The Story of Hinduism in Britain (2016): 15:30 - 22:10 Near London, England, The Hare Krishna devotees get into a conflict with the local Town Council over the zoning restrictions on their temple, the Bhaktivedanta Manor, which was purchased for the devotees by Beatle, George Harrison. Naga Munchetty (Narrator), George Harrison, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Professor Kim Knott, Akhandadhi Das (Temple president from 1982 - 1995), Dilip Patel (Trustee, Bhaktivedanta Manor) are in the clip. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt6237362/ A Tale of Five Temples: The Story of Hinduism in Britain (Film Title),2016 (Film Release Year),George Harrison (Film Actor),His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (Film Actor),Professor Kim Knott (Film Actor),Dilip Patel,Akhandadhi Das (Film Actor),Naga Munchetty (Film Actor),Documentary (Film Genre),yt:cc=on This clip was discovered thanks to the following search: .